This survey is now closed

“Improving the practice” Questionnaire


This questionnaire is designed for issue to patients to assess the service provided.


You can help the practice to improve its service. The doctors and staff welcome your feedback


Access to a doctor or nurse

1. Speed at which the telephone was answered initially


2. Length of time you had to wait for an appointment


3. Convenience of day and time of your appointment


4. Seeing the doctor of your choice


5. Length of time waiting to check in with reception


6. Length of time waiting to see the doctor or nurse


7. Opportunity of speaking to a doctor or nurse on the telephone when necessary


8. Opportunity of obtaining a home visit when necessary


9. Level of satisfaction with access to your GP


Obtaining a repeat prescription

10.Prescription ready on time


11.Prescription correctly issued


12.Handling of any queries


Obtaining test results

13.Were you told when to contact us for your results?


14.Results available when you contacted us


15.Level of satisfaction with the manner in which the result was given


About the staff

16.The information provided by the reception staff


17.The helpfulness of the reception staff


And finally

18.My overall satisfaction with this practice


19.Level of satisfaction with access to booking appointments on line


Any further comments:

The following questions provide us only with general information about the range of people who have responded to this survey. It will not be used to identify you, and will remain confidential.

To help us analyse your answers please tell us a few things about yourself:

Are you male or female?


What age are you?


What is the ethnic background with which you most identify?


How would you describe how often you come to the practice?


Thank you very much for your time and assistance

Please place your completed questionnaire in the box on the reception desk

Results will be publicised on our practice web-site and patient display in reception.

This survey is now closed