Please help us by completing this. Please circle your reply.

1. Usually, how easy was it to get an appointment for the time you wanted?


Results chart

2. Were you able to see the clinician you wanted ?


Results chart

3.For on the day urgent needs or minor illness, are yu aware of our Nurse practitioner Judith?


Results chart

4. In the last 12 months have you used any of the health services below instead of using similar services which might be available at your surgery? (tick all that apply)


Could you tell us why you chose to go to one of the above?

6. Have you signed up for our online services for making and cancelling our GP appointments, and ordering repeat prescriptions?


Results chart

Please provide an email address if you would like to join our pateint reference group.



Results chart



Results chart

Please post in the box on the reception desk, or the red post box for prescription requests. Thank you for your time today.