Q1 Your age range


Results chart

Q2 Have you been in contact with the Practice in the last 6 months?


Results chart

Q3 If you have booked an appointment in the last six months how did you book the appointment?


Results chart

Q4 Were you satisfied with the appointment date/time offered to you?


Results chart

If no please say why:

Q5 Did you know that we offer evening appointments up till 8.00 pm on a Monday evening?


Results chart

If yes please tell us how you heard about this new service:

Q6 Did you know that we have a practice website?


Results chart

Q7 How satisfied are you with our GP Service?


Results chart

Q8 How satisfied are you with how our reception staff/nurse team dealing with any queries you may have?


Results chart

Please give us any comments about our reception team/nurse team:

Q9 Which other services you would like to see at the practice?

If you have suggested any services, are you currently using those services elsewhere?


Results chart

Q10 How would you prefer to find out about the services that we offer? Please tick all that apply.


Q11. How often do you see the Doctor you prefer?


Results chart

Q12. In the Reception Area, can other patients overhear what you say to the Receptionist?


Results chart

Please hand into reception. Thank you for answering this survey which will help us plan services at your practice.